Tuesday 3 July 2007

Like a Beartown with a sore head!

The third annual Congleton Beer Festival took place last weekend and was a massive success. The poor weather probably helped because we weren't competing with back garden barbecues. The people of Beartown managed to consume 48 barrels of bear, 6 Ciders and a fair number of bottles of wine and soft drinks.

I think it's fair to say that Sunday morning was a bit quiet for many people in Congleton but the beer festival organisers were out on the field clearing up and getting it back into shape.

Pictures and a longer writeup on the website - http://www.congletonroundtable.org.uk (when I get a chance to update it!). A fairly short Flickr stream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielinman/sets/72157600591298144/

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